Hlutverk miRNA í þroskunarstjórn höfuðbeina: Meginþemu út frá breytileika í náttúrulegum bleikjustofnum Þingvallavatns - verkefni lokið

Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjórans


Small RNA-sequencing analysis of four developmental time points in two contrasting Arctic charr morphologies showed that 53 known and 19 novel miRNAs have significantly different levels of expression.

The Arctic charr morphs of Lake Thingvallavatn represent a striking example of within-species local phenotypic diversity. Four charr morphs reside in the lake: two limnetic; planktivorous (PL) and piscivorous (PI), with pointed snout and evenly protruding jaws, and two benthic; small (SB) and large benthivorous (LB), with blunt snout and short lower jaw. Small non-coding micro-RNAs (miRNAs) are important regulators of gene activity, particularly during development. Using miRNAseq profiling we identified a number of novel and known miRNAs that may be involved in shaping the small benthic phenotype.

Heiti verkefnis: Hlutverk miRNA í þroskunarstjórn höfuðbeina: Meginþemu út frá breytileika í náttúrulegum bleikjustofnum Þingvallavatns
Enskt heiti: The roles of microRNA in craniofacial morphogenesis: Inferring general themes from natural variation in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) of Lake Þingvallavatn
Verkefnisstjóri: Zophonías O. Jónsson, Háskóla Íslands
Tegund styrks: Verkefnisstyrkur
Styrkár: 2013-2015
Fjárhæð styrks: 20 millj. kr. alls
Tilvísunarnúmer Rannís: 13075605

Merki RannsóknasjóðsThe overall aim of this project was to characterize miRNA candidates and identify their targets. Small RNA-sequencing analysis of four developmental time points in two contrasting Arctic charr morphologies showed that 53 known and 19 novel miRNAs have significantly different levels of expression. We examined the most interesting candidates in greater detail. Whole mont insitu hybridization of miR-199a showed that it is expressed in the upper, lower jaw and the gill arches of developing embryos of all four Thingvallavatn morphs. Several genes including the transcription factor Ets2 were identified as potential targets for miR-199a. We analyzed the function of miR-199a by inhibiting or overexpressing the miRNA in 1-cell zebrafish embryos. Craniofacial phenotypes of the injected and not injected embryos were compared using geometric morphometrics.

Our preliminary data indicates that inhibiting of miR-199a during zebrafish development leads to the shortening of the lower jaw and widening of the head mimicking the benthic morph phenotype. The same approach was used for miR-206 and revealed the miR-206 is expressed in supporting muscles of bone and cartilage in the feeding apparatus at all developmental stages examined. The genes tnnc and tmyo were identified as potential targets. Both genes showed the same spatial expression pattern as miR-206 and qPCR analysis showed that their is negatively correlated to miR-206 expression, suggesting that both tnnc and tmyo are regulated by miR-206. We are now focusing on the third miRNA cluster miR-17-92 using a similar approach.

A list of project outputs:

A publication in a peer reviewd, jounal (on the U.I. top 20% list):
Kapralova, K. H., Franzdóttir, S. R., Jónsson, H., Snorrason, S. S., & Jónsson, Z. O. (2014). Patterns of miRNA expression in Arctic charr development. PloS one, 9(8), e106084. - Open Access

Several student reports deposited in Skemman (see links):

Ástrós Skúladóttir

Kate Ligthart

Drífa Hrund Guðmundsdóttir

Hlynur Árni Þorleifsson

Freya O'Sullivan

Two publications in preparation with working titles:

1) The role of miR-199a and its targets in Arctic charr morphogenesis.
2) miR-206 and its targets tnnc and tmyo play an important role in craniofacial muscle development

Ontogenetic trajectories of small benthic Arctic charr from different locations around Iceland. Additionally, the project has been presented on posters and in talks on several local and international conferences, most recently at the Euro-Evo-Devo conference in Uppsala, Sweden (July 26th-29th 2016)

Title: The role of miR-199a in Arctic charr morphogenesis Authors: Kapralova, Kalina H. ; Franzdottir, Sigríður Rut; Snorrason, Sigurður S. ; Maier, Valerie H.; Palsson, Arnar ; Jonsson, Zophonias O. Link: http://2016uppsala.evodevo.eu/


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