Lögverndun "ókunns höfundar": Félagsleg sköpun og hugverkaréttur - verkefni lokið

Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjóra


The project combines organizational ethnography with archival research and critical genealogy to investigate the various systems of subjection hidden in plain view in legal regimes of copyright and discursive regimes of authorship. Its aim is to shed critical light on normative understandings of creativity that control the circulation of culture and open the door to alternative ways of conceiving creative agency, beyond the figures of the author and the folk. 

Heiti verkefnis: Lögverndun "ókunns höfundar": Félagsleg sköpun og hugverkaréttur
Verkefnisstjóri: Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, Háskóla Íslands

Tegund styrks: Verkefnisstyrkur
Styrktímabil: 2010-2012
Fjárhæð styrks: 12,86 millj. kr. alls
Tilvísunarnúmer Rannís:  100620

The project analyzes key concepts in the grammar of creativity through a study of how folklore figures in regimes of copyright and authorship as the work of the “unknown author”. The materials emerge from four different contexts, contemporary and historical: (I) negotiations in the World Intellectual Property Organization on the legal protection of folklore; (II) negotiations that produce article 15(4) of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works ( on protection for works by unknown authors); (III) polemics known as “Kæmpevisestriden´surrounding Svend Grundtvig's edition of Danish Ballads; (IV) transnational copyright debates centering on an Icelandic lullaby, “Vísur Vatnsenda- Rósu”.

In an age of file sharing and peer-to-peer networking, of social software and web 2.0, of mash-ups and remixes, we need a new language to speak of creative agency. Historically, folklore offered an alternative to authorship: folklore is peer-to-peer, it is collaborative, and it is collective. But the choice between these two options is not satisfactory; we should not accept it uncritically. Each is based on the exclusion of the other. Hence the project has sought to create a scientific basis of critical knowledge from which to: undermine the dichotomies reified in dominant understandings of creativity; help imagine creative agency differently; and think in alternative terms about creative processes that are collaborative, incremental, and distributed in space and time, for at closer inspection, such creative processes are in fact all around us: they are the norm, not the exception.

Ouputs: Publications

Áki Guðni Karlsson. 2017. "Copyrighting the Copies". Submitted for publication to the journal Museum Management and Curatorship. (manuscript enclosed).

Áki Guðni Karlsson. 2017. "Impiety, Impropriety and Misappropriation: Narratives of Traditional Culture Used as Currency In Negotiations". Manuscript in progress. Will be submitted to the journal Narrative Culture in 2017.

Egill Viðarsson. 2011. Deilurnar um Vísur Vatnsenda-Rósu: Höfundarréttur, þjóðlög og eignarhald á menningu. MA thesis. (Open Access)

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2010. Producing the unknown author. A research project on Folkore and intellectual property. Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum XI. (http://skemman.is/en/item/view/1946/6694) (Open Access)

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2010. Social Creativity and the Ownership of Culture. In (Eds, Flemming Hemmersam, Astrid Jespersen and Lene Otto), Kulturelle processer i Europa, p.189-197. Museum of Tuschulanums Forlag Kobenhavns Universitet: Copenhagen.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2011. Célebrer les différences, renforcer la conformité. In, (Ed. Chaira Bortolotto), Le patrimoine culturel immatériel. Enjeux d'une nouvelle caatégorie. Maison des sciences de l-homme: Paris.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2012. Celebrating Difference, Enforcing Conformity. In, Eds. Merril Kapland and Timothy Tangherlini), News from the Other Worlds: Studies in Nordic Folkore, Mythology and Culture, p. 356-375. North Pinehurst Press: Berkley/Los Angeles.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2012. Cultural Heritage. In, (Ed. Regina Bendix & Galit Haasan-Rokem), Companion to Folklore. Blackwell: London/New York.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2012. The Scent of Heritage. In Scholarly blogposts in the Cultural Property Blog maintained by the Interdiziplinaren Forschergruppe zu Cultural Property: Göttingen. (http://cultural-property-uni-goetting.de/2012/04/the-scent-of-heritage/?lang=de) (Open Access)

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein & Martin Skydstrup. 2012. Europe at the Crossroads of Rights and Culture. In, (eds: Nic Craith, Kockel & Frykman), Companion to the Anthropology of Europe. Blackwell: London/New York.

Valdimar Tr.  Hafstein. 2013. Pravo na kulturu: nemsterjijalna bastina d.o.o., folklor©, tradicijsko znanje TM. In, (Eds Marjana Hammersak, Iva Plese andNana- Marija Vukusic.), Proizcodnja bastine: kriticke studje o inmeaterjalnoj kulturi. Institute za etnologiju i folkoristiku: Zagreb.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2014. Celebrando as differencas: reforcand a conformidade: El cóndor pasa. In, (Eds. Sandro Salles & Calros Sandroni), Patrimonio cultural em discussao. Funcultura: Recife.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2013. Intangible Cultural Heritage. In, (Eds. Katherine Campell, Neill Martin, Gary West & Will Lamb), A Guid Hairst. Edinburgh University: Edinburgh.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2014. The Constant Muse. Copyright and Creative Agency. Narrative Culture 1:1/2014.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2014. Fairy Tales, Copyright, and the Public Domain. In, (Ed. Maria Tatar), The Cambridge Companion to the Fairy Tale. Cambridge University Press: London and New York.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2014. Protection as Dispossesion: Government in the Vernacular. In (Ed. Deborah Kapchan), Cultural Heritage in Transit: Intangible Rights as Human Rights. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2015. Author Unknown: Last Words. In Copyrighting Creativity. Creative Values, Cultural Heritage Institutions and Systems of Intellectual Property. Ed. Helle Porsdam. Farnham: Ashgate.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein and Ólafur Rastrick (Eds). 2015. Menningararfur á Íslandi: Gagnrýni og greining. Háskólaútgáfan: Reykjavík.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2015. Menningararfur: Gagnrýnin nálgun. In, (Eds. Valdimar Tr. Hafstein & Ólafur Rastrick), Menningararfur á Íslandi: Gagnrýnin greining. Háskólaútgáfan. Reykjavík.

(The project grant was granted before the IRF's Open Access policy was adopted. Hence the Open Access policy rules do not apply to this grant. Publications in Open Access are indicated in the bibliography).

Outputs: Lectures/Presentations

Áki Guðni Karlsson. 2011. "Authors and Authorities: The Subject of WIPOs Convention(s) for the Safeguarding of Traditional Knowledge, Genetic Resources and Expressions of Folklore", lecture at the second workshop of CULTIVATE, Copyrighting Creativity", Amsterdam, 29-31 October 2011.

Áki Guðni Karlsson. 2012. "Höfundarréttur á þjóðfræðiefni og þjóðnýting almenningsins", lecture at Hugvísindaþing 2012 (Humanities Conference of the University of Iceland), 10 March 2012, in a panel that Valdimar Hafstein convened and chaired on interdisciplinary approaches to intellectual property law: "Höfundarréttur er að þenjast út eins og alheimurinn: Höfundarlög í þverfaglegu ljósi".

Áki Guðni Karlsson. 2013. "Copyrighting the copies: are heritage institutions opening up or enclosing the public domain with their digitisation efforts?", lecture at the international congress of SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore), Tartu 30 June - 4 July 2013.

Áki Guðni Karlsson & Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2013. "Protecting the Unknown Author" lecture at the third CULTIVATE workshop, "Copyrighting Creativity: Creative Values, Cultural Heritage Institutions and Systems of Intellectual Property" at the Tate Modern Gallery, London 26. April 2013.

Áki Guðni Karlsson. 2015. "Ethnographers in the convention", lecture at the international congress of SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore), Zagreb 21-25 June 2015.

Egill Viðarsson. 2012. "Tár úr steini: Deilurnar um Vísur Vatnsenda-Rósu", lecture at Hugvísindaþing 2012 (Humanities Conference of the University of Iceland), 10 March 2012, in a panel that Valdimar Hafstein convened on interdisciplinary approaches to intellectual property law.

Egill Viðarsson. 2012. "Um menningararf og höfundarrétt", lecture in the symposium "Menningararfur: Þrætuepli og hreyfiafl í hönnun", hosted by the Icelandic Academy of the Arts, 18 October 2012.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2010. "Höfundur ókunnur. Höfundaréttur og höfundarleysi", lecture Social Science Conference of the University of Iceland, Þjóðarspegillinn, 29 October 2010, University of Iceland.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2010. "Collective Creativity and Intellectual Property", lecture at the first workshop of CULTIVATE, "Copyrighting Creativity", Steningevik, 29 September - 1 October 2010.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein 2011, plenary keynote lecture: “Storytelling as heritage / Heritage as storytelling”, at the conference Places, people, stories: An interdisciplinary and international conference, Linnaeus University in Kalmar, Sweden, 28-30 September 2011,

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2011. "Protecting the Unknown Author", lecture at the second workshop of CULTIVATE, Copyrighting Creativity", Amsterdam, 29-31 October 2011.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2011. "Have Horn, Will Travel: Rhino Variations", lecture at the second workshop of CULTIVATE, Copyrighting Creativity", Amsterdam, 29-31 October 2011.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2011. "Protection as Dispossession: A Letter, a Song, a Story, and a Couple of Lessons about Intangible Heritage", conference at the University of Gothenburg, 16-17 May 2011, on The Production of Memory in Narrative, Art, and Craft ("Minnesproduktion i berättande, konst och hantverk).

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2011. "Höfundur er óþekktur. Fjölsköpun, alþýðuhefðir og höfundaréttur", Lecture at Hugvísindaþing (Humanities Conference of the University of Iceland), 26 March, 2011.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2011. "Höfundur er óþekktur. Fjölsköpun, alþýðuhefðir og höfundaréttur", poster presentation at the Social Science Conference of the University of Iceland, Þjóðarspegillinn, 28 October 2011.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein 2012, plenary keynote lecture: “The Condor's Flight: A Letter, a Song, a Story, and a Couple of Lessons about Intangible Heritage”, at the inaugural conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, “Re/Theorizing Heritage”, at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 5-8 June 2012.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2012, plenary keynote lecture: “The Opposite of Property: How the Grimm Brothers Helped to Create the Public Domain (and why perhaps that wasn't so great)”, at the conference The Grimm Brothers Today: Kinder- und Hausmärchen and Its Legacy 200 Years After, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, June 21-23, 2012.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2012. “The Opposite of Property”, invited lecture at Harvard, 23 October 2012.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2012. “The Condor's Flight: A Letter, a Song, a Story, and a Couple of Lessons about Intangible Heritage”, ”, invited lecture at the University of Gothenburg, 24 May 2012.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2012. "Mikki mús byggði hús, húsið brann: Hugmyndaflugið, hefðirnar og höfundarrétturinn", lecture at Hugvísindaþing 2012 (Humanities Conference of the University of Iceland), 10 March 2012, in a panel that Valdimar Hafstein convened on interdisciplinary approaches to intellectual property law: "Höfundarréttur er að þenjast út eins og alheimurinn: Höfundarlög í þverfaglegu ljósi".

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, plenary keynote lecture: “The Condor's Flight: Storytelling in the United Nations”, at the 16th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research in Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-30 June, 2013.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2013. "The Opposite of Property: How the Grimms Helped to Create the Public Domain (and how the Krohns carried on their work)", invited lecture at the University of Helsinki in a public conference on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the university's department of folklore and the 150th anniversary of the first professorship in folklore, 6 September 2013.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2013. ”The Opposite of Property. How the Grimm Brothers Helped to Create the Public Domain (and why perhaps that wasn't so great)”, invited lecture in the lecture series "Folkloristiska seminariet i Göteborg" (Folklore Seminar of Gothenburg), 7 November 2013.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2013. "The Condor's Flight: A Letter, a Song, a Story, and a Couple of Lessons about Intangible Heritage", )", invited lecture at the University of Helsinki in an interdisciplinary lecture series called the "Cultural Research Colloquium", 9 September 2013.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2014. "The Condor's Flight. A Letter, a Song, a Story, and a Couple of Lessons about Intangible Heritage", invited lecture at the Universität Basel, Seminar für Kulturwissenschaft und Europäische Ethnologie, 9 October 2014.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2014. "Protection as Dispossession: El Condor Pasa and Other Stories of Intangible Heritage", invited public lecture at the Reinwardt Academie of the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, in the lecture series "Erfgoedarena" or "Heritage Arena", 25 June 2014.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2014. "Andersen and the Grimms: Authors, Editors, Folk", lecture at the annual meeting of the American Folklore Society, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 5-8 November 2014.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2014. "Flug kondórsins: Menningararfur, menningarvernd og menningarþjófnaður", lecture in a conference titled "Á VÆNGJUM HINS ÓÁÞREIFANLEGA: TÓNLIST, MENNING OG ARFUR", convened by Rannsóknarstofa í tónlistarfræðum á Menntavísindasviði HÍ, 9 May 2014.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein, plenary keynote lecture: “Authors, Editors, Folk: Copyright & Creative Agency from a Folklorist's Perspective”, at the 33rd Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-21 August, 2015.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2015. "Copyrighting Tradition: Creativity, Authorship and Expressions of Traditional Culture", invited public lecture, the KNAW Academy Lecture, hosted by the KNAW (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen or Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences), Amsterdam 28 May 2015.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2015. "The Condor's Flight: A Letter, a Song, a Story, and a Couple of Lessons about Intangible Heritage", invited lecture at the University of Siena, 29 October 2015.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2015. "Digital Traditional©: Distributed, Collaborative, and Cumulative Creativity", invited lecture in the lecture series "Smart Europe: Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung", at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in European Studies of the Universität Osnabrück.

Valdimar Tr. Hafstein. 2015. "Andersen, the Grimms, and I: authors, editors, folk", lecture at the international congress of SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore), Zagreb 21-25 June 2015.

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