Hlutverk Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) í bandvefsumbreytingu brjóstkirtils og brjóstakrabbameini - verkefni lokið

Fréttatilkynning verkefnisstjóra


Verkefnið miðaði að því að afhjúpa hlutverk Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) í greinóttri formgerð brjóstkirtils og framþróun brjóstakrabbameins. 

Við yfirtjáðum DLK1 í brjóstaþekjufrumulínunum, D492 og MCF10A og brjóstakrabbameinslínunni MDA-MB231. Að auki flokkuðum við MCF10A og MDA-MB231 með yfirtjáningu á DLK1 í tvo hópa með annars vegar hátt og hins vegar lágt tjáningarstig á DLK1 prótíninu. Samantekið sýna rannsóknir okkar að DLK1 hefur áhrif á myndun æðaþels og greinóttrar formgerðar í brjóstkirtlinum, hugsanlega í gegnum NOTCH boðferilinn. Ennfremur sýndum við að mismunandi tjáningarstig DLK1 hefur ólík áhrif á frumuskrið og innrásargetu brjóstakrabbameinsfruma.

English summary

In this study we aimed to elucidate the role of Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) in branching morphogenesis and cancer progression in the mammary gland. We overexpressed DLK1 in breast epithelial cell lines, D492 and MCF10A, and metastatic breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB231. Furthermore, we sorted DLK1-overexpressing MCF10A and MDA-MB231 cells into DLK1 high-expressing and DLK1 low-expressing populations. In summary, our data suggest that DLK1 may regulate angiogenesis and branching morphogenesis in the breast gland, possibly through inhibition of NOTCH signalling. Moreover, we demonstrated that migration and invasion of breast cancer cells is differentially affected by various DLK1 expression levels.

A list of the project’s output


Gunnhildur Ásta Traustadóttir: The role of Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) in breast epithelial morphogenesis and cancer. EMBO Practical Course: Techniques for Mammary Gland Research, Germany, 2017. Poster


Gunnhildur Ásta Traustadóttir: The role of non-canonical NOTCH ligand DLK1 in mammary gland branching morphogenesis and breast cancer progression. Gordon Research Seminar, Italy, 2018. Poster

Gunnhildur Ásta Traustadóttir: The role of non-canonical NOTCH ligand DLK1 in mammary gland branching morphogenesis and breast cancer progression. Gordon Research Conference, Italy, 2018. Poster

Gunnhildur Ásta Traustadóttir: The role of non-canonical NOTCH ligand DLK1 in mammary gland branching morphogenesis and breast cancer progression. 7th Norwegian Cancer Symposium, Norway, 2018. Poster

Kristrún Ýr Holm: Bachelor of Science Thesis. Characterization of Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) overexpressing tumorigenic breast cells. University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, The Faculty of Life- and Environmental Sciences, May 2018.

Heiti verkefnis: Hlutverk Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) í bandvefsumbreytingu brjóstkirtils og brjóstakrabbameini/ The role of Delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) in breast epithelial morphogenesis and cancer
Verkefnisstjóri: Gunnhildur Ásta Traustadóttir, Háskóla Íslands

Tegund styrks: Rannsóknarstöðustyrkur
Styrktímabil: 2017-2018
Fjárhæð styrks: 13,658 millj. kr. alls
Tilvísunarnúmer Rannís: 173756

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