Young people and the future - Education for Sustainable development
On November 1-3, 2023, a youth conference was held as part of the Education for Sustainability project, led by Rannís on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers, in collaboration with Samfés. Over 70 young people from all Nordic countries and autonomous regions of the Nordic countries attended the conference.
The topic of the conference was to hear the voices of young people and get their opinions on how sustainability is being worked on in schools and how sustainability can be integrated with the existing curriculum.
The young people who attended the conference worked together in workshops and came to a conclusion about the steps they believe need to be taken so that we can have a sustainable future. They emphasized that first and foremost, information and skills are needed to address the challenges that society faces. They wanted to do this by creating a special subject that deals with sustainability alone, but also emphasized that the skills and abilities of teachers in the field need to be strengthened. Their third suggestion was to give students and young people further opportunities to have an impact and express their views and to have an impact on their own future.
The young people who visited Iceland also had the opportunity to get to know each other and the country, and both formal and informal programs were offered where emphasis was placed on young people experiencing Icelandic culture and nature.
The young people worked together on suggestions for how to work more closely with sustainability in schools and teaching, and those results were presented to the Minister of Education and Children, Ásmundur Einar Daðason, at a formal event. In the picture, the minister can be seen receiving the group’s results.
Iceland holds the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, and this event was part of Iceland's presidency plan.
The results of the group: Young people and the future Education for Sustainable development
The project Education for sustainability has established a cooperation network in and between the Nordic countries that works to integrate sustainability into the teaching of all school levels. Education for sustainability is one of six projects designed to implement the vision of the Nordic countries becoming the most sustainable and integrated region on earth by 2030.
Here you can read more about the six projects under Sustainable Living.
For more information on the conference and the results please contact the Project Manager, Margrét K. Sverrisdóttir, at Rannís. The summit was planned in cooperation with our project partner Samfés.
Ungt fólk og framtíðin – Menntun til sjálfbærni
Haldin var ungmennaráðstefna á Varmalandi dagana 1.-3. nóvember 2023 sem er hluti af verkefninu Menntun til sjálfbærni. Þar söfnuðust saman ungmenni og ræddu þær áskoranir sem við stöndum frammi fyrir varðandi sjálfbærni á Norðurlöndunum og hvaða þörf ungt fólk hefur fyrir kennslu og menntun í því sviði.
Niðurstöður hópsins: Young people and the future Education for Sustainable development
Lesa frétt um ráðstefnuna
Á myndinni má sjá mennta og barnamálaráðherra, Ásmund Einar Daðason taka við niðurstöðu hópsins.

Mynd tekin af hluta hópsins á Varmalandi.
Hómynd tekin á skrifstofu mennta- og barnamálaráðherra.
Verkefnið Menntun til sjálfbærni er leitt af Rannís, en skipulagning ungmennaráðstefnunnar er í höndum Samfés.