The main target group consists of teachers in every form of education in the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) as well as in the autonomous areas Aland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. It is a challenge to impart complicated information on sustainability and therefore many teachers may need more goal-oriented teaching plans and better learning material.
A cooperation network has be formed, consisting of educational authorities, universities that educate teacher students, other experts in the field, institutions which offer continuous education for teachers, teachers' unions, students' unions, other groups of interested young people, the Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL) and other interested people
The goal is that sustainable development becomes an integral part of all education offered to children and adults alike. The Nordic Council of Ministers finances the project which is to support the vision of the Nordic countries becoming the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. The project forms a part of the Nordic programme Sustainable Living (web-page in Danish) .
All pupils and students shall acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the enhancement of sustainable development, e.g. through education for sustainable lifestyles, human rights, equal opportunities, a culture of peace and global citizenship as well as the appreciation of cultural diversity and cultures' contribution to sustainable development.
Education for sustainable development demands a holistic approach, where all speres of the society play a part and students understand the balance of the ecosystem, biodiversity, utilisation of resources, climate and welfare. Education for sustainable development demands cooperation with other bodies within and outside the education system.
The objective is to develop a cooperation network which is to coordinate education at all levels (from pre-school to adult education).
The goal is that the project gives some answers to the following questions:
Rannís leads the project on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Yes, please, I would like to receive further information and participate in this work.